22 Controversial Illustrations For Political Magazine from Igor Morski

by Cristian I

The Political perspective

He began pursuing illustration as his primary medium in the early 1990s.

Many of his works received feature status in Polish magazines.

He continues to appear internationally for titles like Prevention, Money, and Men’s Health.

His work earned him the Communication Arts Excellent Award twice and the Applied Arts Award in 2010.

It’s his latest work on political satire for Polityka that has the world talking about his perspective today.

Manipulation Of Manipulation
Manipulation Of Manipulation

His Works Reflect the State of Life in Poland

One of Morski’s most-profound pieces is called “Propaganda.”

It shows a television broadcasting to a group of assembled cardboard standup figures.

If you look closely at the art, each person is a direct clone of everyone else.

Another piece asks a simple question:

“Who Are We?”

This illustration features a simple face. It offers five different layers to consider, making the viewer ponder their approach to life.

Morski is currently the co-owner of a graphic design studio in his hometown.

Many of his pieces are commissioned for advertising purposes.

No topic is off-limits for Morski. His work called “Infirmity” features a middle-aged man shooting himself through the temple with his finger.

Most of his pieces today involve photo manipulation.

Populist Face Of Young Politics
Populist Face Of Young Politics

There Are Hidden Messages in Each Piece

Morski has an admittedly different view of the world.

His surreal illustrations invite each person to take a momentary glimpse through his unique perspective.

Each piece he creates offers a hidden meaning that the viewer must translate by themselves.

That means his works can inspire different messages based on the perspective of the person who sees the graphics.

Most of Morski’s illustrations feature European politics or Polish current events.

There are a handful of works that take on the international community as well.

In one piece about the United States, Morski turned the Continental 48 states into an aquarium that holds three dead fish.

If you would like to connect with Igor Morski or discuss a potential commission, you can reach him through his agency’s website.

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Big Brother
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National Pride Built On Shame
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Professional Responsibility
The Way
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TV Of Propaganda
TV Of Propaganda
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